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rate - convert between currencies


rate <money> [in <currency 1>] {to|in} <currency 2>
rate <money> [in <currency 1>] {before|after} [a] <percentage> [percent] [fee] {to|in} <currency 2>
rate <coins> as <currency>
rate list places


This allows you to perform conversions from one kind of currency to another. Note that only currencies that are currently available allow conversions with this command.

List of Valid Currencies

CurrencyValid abbreviations
Ankh-Morporkankh-morpork, am, ankh, ankhian, ankh morpork, morpork, morporkian
Counterweight Continentcounterweight continent, agatea, agatean, bes pelargic, bp, counterweight, cwc
Djelibeybidjelibeybi, djb, djelian
Ephebeephebe, ephebian
Genuagenua, genuan
Klatchklatch, klatchian, al khali
Lancrelancre, lancrastian, oc
Tsort tsort, tsortean
Newbie Areanewbie area, pumpkin, pumpkin town
Defaultdefault, provincial


> rate A$1 in Ephebe
A$1 is worth S2|8de.

> rate 1 dollar in Ephebe
"1 dollar" appears to be an ambiguous designation. Please include the 'from' currency type.

> rate 1 dollar in am to ephebe
A$1 is worth S2|8de.

> rate 1 thanra, 1 ra, 1 tooni in djelian in genua
DjToon 601.00 is worth 4,0,0,66Gd.

> rate A$50 after a 3 percent fee in agatea
You would need 42Rh 115s to end up with A$50 after a 3% fee.

> rate A$50 before 3 in agatea
A$50 minus a 3% fee is worth 40Rh 50s.

> rate coins in backpack as djelian
1 Agatean Empire rhinu is worth DjToon 2.40 in Djelibeybi.

See also

currency, convert