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File /std/shops/print_shop.c

A printing workshop so that players can create their own books runs.

This can be divided up into two rooms, an office (where you pay for the printing to be done) and a collection room (where you do the collection). To enable this behaviour the collection room needs to know about the office. The office stores all the information, so you call set_office_room(room_path); on the collection room and set_no_collection() on the office.

See also:
set_office_room() and set_no_collection();

Written by Pinkfish

Started Thu Jan 29 17:55:47 CST 1998


This class inherits the following classes /std/room/basic_room.c


This class includes the following files /include/money.h, /include/book_handler.h, /include/shops/bank.h and /include/language.h

Method index

Public Functions

These are functions that everyone can access.
