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File /std/shops/player_shop/mgr_office.c

The standard inheritable object for player-run shop manager offices.


The managers' office provides a front-end to the manager commands, although these are mainly handled by the _office_. It also provides a place of refuge for managers since only they have access to this room, as well as allowing them to send and read their mail. Finally, it allows them to claim a manager's handbook.

From here, managers can vote on employment applications and policy suggestions. They can make personnel decisions such as commendations, warnings, bonus suspensions, firing and demoting employees. They can place employees on leave for a certain period if they know that employee is away. They can view the ordinary, accounts, personnel and chart logs. They can rent or remove additional stock cabinets. They can ban or unban people from the shop. They can transfer monies between the profit account, bonus account and cash register (see below). Finally, they can retire and stay on as a retired manager, taking no further active role in the shop other than voting on policy suggestions.


There are three accounts in the shop, the first of which is the register. This contains the 'float' - the money used for buying and selling stock. The register is located behind the counter and is accessible to every employee.

The profit account contains the funds used to pay operating expenses such as cabinet rentals and employee pay.

The bonus account holds the funds used to pay the monthly bonus.

Monies can be transferred between all three accounts at any time, as long as none would go negative as a result.

See also:
/include/player_shop.h, /std/shops/player_shop/office.c, /std/shops/player_shop/counter.c, /std/shops/player_shop/storeroom.c, /std/shops/player_shop/shop_front.c and /std/shops/player_shop/shopkeeper.c

Written by Ringo

Started 1st August 1999


#include "path.h"

inherit "/std/shops/player_shop/mgr_office";

void setup()
   set_office( PATH+ "office" );

   set_short( "Tarnach Fendertwin's office" );
   set_long( "This room is the office of Tarnach Fendertwin himself.  "
    "Since he rarely visits this branch of the chain, it is more "
     "commonly used by the shop's managers.\n" );
   add_exit( "north", PATH +"office", "door" );


This class inherits the following classes /std/room/basic_room.c


This class includes the following files /include/shops/bank.h, /include/money.h, /include/move_failures.h, /include/player_shop.h, /include/mail.h and /std/shops/player_shop/patterns.h

Method index

Protected Functions

These are functions that only objects inheriting the class can access.