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File /std/shops/controllers/craft_shop_controller.c

This is to handle a place where players can sell a number of neato craft items they have made up. It will be extended to deal with books as well.

It keeps track of who sold each item and how much they will receive when they pay for it. Then tracks the royalties so they can come back and collect them.

This will be run as a handler object so that npcs and rooms can both run as this sort of shop.

NB: This object is not saved using save_object. You need to set the save and load functions for this system to work.

Written by Pinkfish

Started Thu Feb 5 15:39:57 CST 1998


This class includes the following files /include/playtesters.h, /include/shops/craft_shop.h, /include/move_failures.h, /include/money.h, /include/shops/bank.h, /include/player.h and /include/obj_parser.h

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Public Functions

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